On my top 3 beauty favorites from this week are two products to make your skin smooth and with bathing suit season fast approaching, I was on the lookout for one to make my skin shine like the top of the Chrysler Building.
Is a cupuacu & coconut coffee scrub that has natural ingredients can reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, psoriasis, eczema, acne, scarring and other common skin conditions whilst nourishing and protecting your skin.
Also, Dirty Derrik claims it reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. I do have problems with stretch marks and a scar in one of my knee can’t vouch for its effectiveness, I just started using it once a week so if I see an improvement with those I’ll check back.
My only problem with Dirty Derrik is that, being that the scrub is dry, it’s hard to apply whatever amount you scoop out entirely onto your body. Inevitably, a portion of it falls and ends up on the bottom of your shower.
Use Dirty Derrik at the end of your shower, never after shaving your legs NEVER. This is not a treatment to start when you’re in a rush. You need enough time to be careful scooping , rub it in, wait for it to dry, rinse your body, and rinse your shower. This is, however, an excellent nighttime treatment. That way, I use it once a week on a Sunday or Saturday that I call my days of pampering myself.
Dirty Derrik is for £14.95 get to know Dirty Derrik at www.dirtyderrik.com
When I use to live in Ecuador and eating fresh organic fruits everyday and eating and drinking coconut I could see the effect that has on my skin not to forget the sun as well in hot countries like that.
While back in the UK the days are not as sunny as you know! in the winter my skin is dried out and cracked from dashing between freezing cold temperatures outdoors into the unkind central heating bubble indoors. I can’t find fresh fruits like in Ecuador specially organic ones ( as I’m allergic to the ones they sell in supermarkets), so I was looking for a supplement that does the same effect as the fruits there so I found coconut quench REGIME LONDON while browsing the internet.
REGIME LONDON hydrate your skin with this refreshing blend of coconut water extract and hyaluronic acid. Each serving contains the equivalent of 4000mg of fresh coconut water and a high strength dose of hyaluronic acid to increase the moisture content of the skin.
I started using it for two weeks now and I have to say that I’m already seeing improving results even tho it says that after 6 weeks you will see even better results .
I use to drink a lot of coconut water but sometimes I forgot to take it with me when out Without the hassle of trying to glug back two litres of water and rush to the toilet day and night, so the capsules are easier to take every morning, I know that just one capsule has given my skin everything that it needs to look and feel its best.
Regime London coconut quench is £19.99 get to know REGIME LONDON at www.regimelondon.com
After using lenses half of my life since I was 16 years old because I use to be blind YES! blind and I use to get headaches with glasses on, in 2015 I made the big step to laser my eyes and thanks to that I can see again like a normal human been I would say.
While growing up seen my aunt and uncle with green light hazel eyes I always wish to have that eye colour I was like why I wasn’t lucky enough to have them.
So while browsing to the internet I found CRAZY LENSES with natural effect lenses I got a natural hazel 3 tone colour that is the one you see in the pictures above.
After not using lenses for a year I felt like I was entirely new to contact lenses again I’d recommend setting aside plenty of time to set yourself up. Remember to soak the lenses for a couple of hours in solution prior to applying them, a contact lense case is recommended for this and a great way to store them after your first use. Most importantly take your time when applying your lenses, for new users the first few times will be a case of hit & miss (literally, I applied the lenses more to my fingers for the first few goes!) but keeping calm, applying in front of a well lit mirror and a steady hand will help.
Once in keep them in for short periods, if it’s your first time you will blink like mad at first as your eye adjusts to what’s essentially a foreign object placed on your eye, but this should settle down after a few minutes. My first few times I kept mine in for 3 hours but my right eye was feeling uncomfortable and was red and think I put it the wrong way and couldn’t wait to be back home to take them out, I certainly recommended to try these on prior to that big night out if you intend to wear these for an event just to get your eyes used to them.
But once you have got used to them you’ll be able to wear them as often as you please. With all lenses check the packaging to see the life span of your lenses, these usually vary from 6 months to a year, so be sure to keep check on how long you can use your lenses for.
I bought the hazel 3 tone colour contact lenses complete set with 1 x contact lens case, 60ml contact lens solution and Lenses last for 90 days once opened.
Crazy Lenses are for £9.99 get to know Crazy Lenses at www.crazylenses.com