Happy Friday, my lovelies! I can’t believe we are already the 16th of November. Tomorrow is finally the weekend, so who is complaining haha 🙂 I don’t know where this week has gone! I feel like I blinked and now it is Friday. It has just been so incredibly busy, this last couple of days with me finishing all the last exams I needed to do. I will be starting my driving lessons on Monday it was about time for me to learn how to drive, As the UK is not like Amsterdam, having a car here is very essential. I have been so behind with my blogs post that I feel the need to catch up with all my looks now,  I am just now getting up my first post for the week. I’m so excited for the weekend! because I will be working on preparing and editing all my blogs post for you all.
On today’s look. I’m wearing this gorgeous yellow off shoulder jumper and my dream sexy trousers from H&M that I got them from last year, but never actually shot them for the blog, even though I wore them all winter long, I’m wearing this gorgeous wedges from my favourite designer from Taiwan Clave Design, can’t tell y’all just how amazing the quality is as well these leather wedges are amazing and very easy to walk in.
What are you guys up to this weekend ? I will  try to edit all my outfit pictures and prepare a lot of outfit post for the upcoming days.
Happy Friday!,
What I Was Wearing:
Jumper: Femme the luxe
Leggings trousers: H&M similar HERE
Bag: Chanel boy bag
Wedges: Clave design
Necklace: Muru jewellery
Earrings: NewLook