I have teamed up with Uber to offer my readers an exclusive £15 Uber Promo Code valid on taxi rides booked through the Uber mobile app.
Uber is currently available in the following UK cities:
- Leeds
- Nottingham
- Sheffield
- London – Home Counties
- Birmingham
- Liverpool
- Newcastle
- Glasgow
- Cardiff
- Manchester
- Southampton
- Edinburg
- Bristol
- Belfast
- Sunderland
- Portsmouth
- Leicester
Make sure you don’t miss out on this exclusive deal! I highly recommend you to register your Uber account today and to download the Uber app to your phone. You never know when you might need to take a cab home. I certainly know the tube is not reliable on the weekends and who can say no to a free taxi ride? Booking a ride with Uber is incredible simple, you put in where you want to be picked up from and where you want to go. The app will display how long it will take for the nearest cab to get to you and give you a quote, so that you aren’t surprised by the final fare. The £15 Uber promo code balance will be deducted from your total fare. This means you can get most rides completely free!
£15 Free Credit Uber Promo Code