Say Hello to my new cat

I don’t know what I have but I so love animals on my sweater LOL and is such a funny fact that  I don’t really like cats pet but  I do love dogs but cats are so cute on a sweater I don’t care if it looks childish the fact is that I like it so much and how have been your weekend so far I haven’t blog for 2 days gosh been busy and having some fun too be free to follow my INSTAGRAM for more updates at @preppyfashionist
PS: don’t forget to enter my ziba collection GIVEAWAY  CLICK HERE

What I was wearing:
Hat: Zara
Coat/skirt: zara
sweater: courtesy of  SHEINSIDE
Boots: river island
Bag : courtesy of BANANA TAIPEI
sunglasses: Celine  


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19 thoughts on “Say Hello to my new cat

  1. Aw that cat sweater is so cute!!! I also adore your mini bag and those boots are just chic perfection! Amazing look honey and very pretty photos 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  2. We used to have a cat, but then we had to get rid of her because we were moving to a place that didn’t allow pets. She was a very sweet cat, but I don’t know if we will ever get another one. I don’t like pets that shed!! LOL. But on sweaters, they are very cute. I think that sweater is adorable and you always look great! <3


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