Pastel colours are my thing , I don’t know about you but pastel colours always makes me happy I was looking the other day in my closet for nude ballerinas I couldn’t find any and than was when I found this treasures hidden there I remember why I didn’t wear them that often because I get blisters and you wouldn’t say because they look so comfortable , and I don’t even think I have ever show them before on the blog but this babes are perfect for summer , a white blouse is so essential in your wardrobe you can combine it with almost everything ;D.
Photography: Wendy van Soest
Hat: New Look Old but similar HERE
Blouse: mango
Shorts: Endlessrose via SOJEANS
Shoes: Zara similar HERE
Bag: Vila similar HERE
Watch: Michael Kors

hottie !! love these colours on you
You look AMAZING!!
Erg leuke outfit die je hier draagt! Hoedjes vind ik altijd zo leuk staan maar zelf durf ik ze niet goed te dragen. Bedankt voor de reactie die je achterliet op mijn blog 🙂 ik volg je nu!
Liefs, Annelies
What a chic look!
I loved so much your pretty shorts.
Que bonitos shorts, love it!
Love it mopje! Je haar zit zo mooi!
Vind je shortje en hoedje echt super leuk en lekker zomers! x