Categoriearchief: DIY

DIY vampire lips

And I finally got the time to do a video tutorial on how I do my lips haha gosh I don’t even know why I get so nervous doing this video probably cause is my first time you hear me speaking actually never mind my mistakes in this video and my accent LOL  I have been improving a lot by editing it and I think it looks a right I should have done this video over again but I promised you the next one will be better and hope you find this helpful stay tuned for my next video on how to create the same lip colour but without spending much would love to heard what do you think? about it and if you have any suggestion that you would love to see in my blog please drop me a comment .

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NOISY MAY  is a young fresh label from the clothing line of VERO MODA  tha has been just release this last summer and they gonna be introducing this clothing  line in the Netherlands as well , I was contacted by them if I wanted to customize a NOISY MAY JEANS it sounded like a great idea as I always wanted to do some DIY for the blog but always don’t get the time to do it I had to finish by today so I finished today only if I had some free time to shoot I would have show you me wearing  them , this NOISY MAY jeans contest is between bloggers and I had to be creative and stay true my own style  the winning jeans will be produced  by NOISY MAY and would be in stores end this year as you can see I’m so into tartan so though to customize the jeans with some tartan details spikes and heart shape on the pocket of the jeans at first only wanted to do something simple but added some tartan at the end of the jeans check out further down and let me know what you think of would you buy this jeans ? if they were well done by machines for a better result ;P

I first draw the shape of a heart

Draw it at the pocket back of the jeans and then cut it

As you can see my sewing isn’t that great as I said before wish I had more time to do it better

Then I add some spikes that they are easy to put on and take off  they are really handy  for my opinion

Love the end result with the tartan and heart shape

Then I add a bow on the other pocket back

I measure the Fabric to put it on the end of the jeans

And this is the end result soon will be blogging about this jeans ,let me know what do you think about it

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Ecco Bloggers Event

For the ones who follow me on my INSTAGRAM already know that I attended a blogger event 2 weeks ago I even put a small insta video so that you see a little bit more about the event when I got the invitation I didn’t know what to expect for the event I knew Ecco has always comfortable shoes but in my mind though they are not that fashionable at all but I was wrong cause I totally felt in love with those leopard loafers you see above and they even had some preppy shoes that reminds me to my shoes I use to wear back in my day’s at school . The event was great and really interesting we had so much activities to do like the first one that I went to you could have a TOE -READING I was really impress about that I have heard about  hand reading before but toes is really unique I must say but the woman didn’t read about my future more about how you are as a person it was funny to heard some facts about it she was right about it, I ate delicious ecco cookies they were yummie love the detail about the cookies they look like the ecco boots, we had our make up done by professionals to get in the photo with the viking I must say a really handsome viking I hope my boyfriend doesn’t read this haha then I had a facial massage with  Aveda products with team from DaySpa  I definitely recommended to everyone to try it ones , they taught us how to make a leather bag that was so cool to make in the last pictures you can admire the beautiful view from Amsterdam, I really thanks the Ecco team for the unforgettable night ;D

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My DIY side split maxi Skirt

Hello Gals and finally my look of the day with my DIY skirt I love the colours of this skirt lol my mum and I we handle to make it lol of course it is not like a profesional skirt would look like lol but it doesn’t matter I just love the result and for been my first DIY project I think is not to bad still have to learn alot lol but will be doing more DIY projects soon cause I love maxi skirts LOl but with a bared leg you make the skirt more interesting and sexy at the same time I got alot of looks on the street they told me sexy and elegant skirt well I felt flatter  what do you think about my DIY skirt?? waiting for your comments lol wish you all  a wonderful sunday sweeties.
kisses Virgit xXx
PS: I can finally writte you all back I had a problem with my PC that could not answer back to some of you  but now problem solve ;D

What I was wearing:
Baret/top/sunglasses: H&M
Blazer/heels: zara
skirt: DIY
necklace/bag: New look
Belt : Moschino Vintage belt

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My Gucci side split maxi skirt/dress inspiration

Hello sweeties My inspiration  of the week the Gucci side split maxi skirt Love it I got totally inspired by Gucci that I decided to do it my self with a help of my mum LOL but we did it and just can’t wait to show you in my next look love side split maxi skirt wich one is your favorite.

free glitter text and family website at

An this skirts that are under the Gucci winter collection are from Asos all of them they are really nice I’m so into side split Maxi skirts

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