Hello beautiful folk,
I’m back, I shared this video on my instagram and never published on the blog , this must be one of the scariest thing I have ever done in my life, trust me I hate adrenaline my boyfriend love it! I always say no to roller-coasters and one of my dreams that I just achieved was going to the jungle , people in Europe think that most of the people from South America live in the jungle , the fact is that I have always live in a city and seriously I have never been in the jungle before so this experience was so unique to get in that swing in the middle of the jungle was crazy it felt like I was about to die ;O so if you love adrenaline don’t forget to visit the jungle in el Puyo – Ecuador for a unforgettable experience.

Woww awesome! You brave girl you 🙂
Take care,
Daniella xox
Wow! It’s amazing!
Yu don’t look scared at all! :))
That looks like so much fun and kinda terrifying!
The Doctor Diva