Happy Monday, my lovelies!
I hope you all are having a great start of the week so far. I definitely feel like I’m getting a fresh start to my Monday. I always like to spend my Mondays catching up and it always makes the rest of my week go so much more smoothly. Mondays are basically my “tidy things up” day. I organise emails, edit pictures and get prepared for what’s to come this week on Preppy Fashionist (and work on social media stuff). And then I also work on cleaning up messes, doing laundry, etc.
I’m happy that I finally got to sale a closet that was occupying space in my living room, so now I got to decorate that side of the living room ;D I can’t wait to finished decorating and once is done I will be sharing it on the blog.
I’m so ready for fall and this look is kind of a transitional one not to cold or hot, fall have to be my favourite season of all. I think I will never get tired of berets seriously I think in my past life I was a French woman I adore this look perfect for the first days of September.
What I was wearing:
Beret: Topshop similar HERE
Croptop: FemmeLuxeFinery
Trousers: FemmeLuxeFinery
Sunglasses: Celine
Bag: L.K.Bennett
Sandals: Topshop sold out similar HERE and HERE

I am looking for the creator of the Panama hat video. I love the video and was hoping to get in touch with the creator.
Hi Gregg,
Thanks for your message, glad to hear you love the video I created, I’m the creator and you can contact me on preppyfashionist@hotmail.com.