My purple gift

HELLO GORGEOUS , my look of the day my purple pants I got them from my birthday but since then I haven’t show you I love this contrast of purple and black together I even got noticed by this look on the street  once I wore it with loafers but that was the time that I go shopping that I go with flat shoes on the street but most of the time I’m wearing heels I love this look cause is so special what are you up to have you bought all your christmas presents yet I’m almost finish but don’t have it all but the important thing in christmas is not about the presents but is about been together that’s why I adore christmas I send you loads of love to you my lovely dolls
PS: You still got the chance to enter my giveaway it ends on friday at midnight Besos xXx

What  I was wearing:
hat/jacket/bag: H&M
turtle sweater: calvin klein
purple pants: gift from my Bff


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40 thoughts on “My purple gift

  1. I also think that black and purple go well together, love your pants and you look so pretty as usual! I don’t know if there’s one of your outfit I dislike I don’t think so!
    That’s great you’ve finished buying your gifts I’ve not even started lol and I wish I could wear heels more often like you :/

  2. In love with your pants! I need a pair in this color, so pretty! I totally agree with you, the most thing I love about Christmas is spending time with my family, I think that’s the most important thing! I didn’t start buying gifts yet haha
    Anyway, I’m always inspired by you love ♥

  3. I love everything about this outfit my dear!!! Your hair looks so beautiful,the soft waves are perfect. Those purple trousers are amazing and i completely love how you have styled them,from the turtle neck and the leather detailing jacket to the studded gloves!!! Oooo and those boots are just amazing,bet they go with everything!!

    Take care lovely,Daniella xox

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