I had already a Daniel Wellington watch, but I couldn’t avoid to add a new one in a brown colour in the family I have it in a black colour as well and seriously since I got it last year I haven’t stop wearing it non stop so I’m so happy to add this new one in my top favourite watches I own ;D.
I choose this time for a different model with small Swarovski crystal details , I have to say it looks more feminine that way.
I’m loving the guys watch as well , a watch is a perfect gift for him when you don’t know what to buy I always struggle buying something for guys it is so hard sometimes because for girls you have a million of stuff and not for guys.
I think the quality of the watches are gorgeous and they are nicely finish. Nice to know about : the straps ca be alternated ( one pin is included there). so you can swtich from strap at any time ;D.
Daniel Wellington watches range in price from €99.00 to €179.00 , there is a temporary action for my lovely followers where you can get 15% discount on your order with code preppyfashionist and you do not have to pay shipping ;D code valid until August 31st.
What style watches speak to you the most. what is your favourite model?
Have a lovely day!
Daniel wellington : His and Her

Yay! lovely watch! <3
Lucy Van Dean | Instagram
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