Preppy Fashionist AWARDS

Hello dolls I was so happy reading your commenst when I saw that Kukiskuku was given me 3 blogger awards so happy to know that you guys love my blog I want to thanks kukiskuku again she is wonderful check out her blog by cliking in her name kisses dolls and now anwswering 7 things about my selfs check it out .
  1. I speak 3 fluent languages English, dutch,spanish and I understand a bit of german.
  2. I love nail art u will never see me no wearing nail polish on my nails and that’s why I get inspired by youtube nail art channels.
  3. I love High heels which girl doesn’t.
  4. I start loving fashion since I was a little girl wearing my mums high heels and red lipstick but at the age of 16 start loving fashion more cause I start modeling.
  5. I love the english accent ,english actors and english movies
  6. I love twilight I’m a big fan of it I have read all the books and even thought the fact that I don’t like to read books LOL
  7. And the last but not least love ROBERT PATTINSON lol the perfect gentleman for me ;D

So now I will give the 3 bloggers awards to my top 12 list of bloggers


profile picture

27 thoughts on “Preppy Fashionist AWARDS

  1. Oh thanks so much for giving your blogger awarsds to me, dear! That really means a lot to me! πŸ™‚
    I love your blog too and always enjoy reading it and checking out on your new outfits! Keep going, hun! πŸ™‚

  2. How honored I am to receive an award from the girl I admire the most and whose style inspires me a lot, I am even more honored to be among your top 12 list of bloggers, thank you so much Virgit!
    I’m very happy to have met you here:)
    Have a wonderful week because you’ve made mine amazing!
    Btw (3 languages, even 4 woow!!)in addition to being beautiful and stylish you’re intelligent, I really admire you!!!
    Much love sweetie :))

  3. Hahaha you’re so right, which girl doesn’t like high heels! I’m crazy about Twilight also, can’t wait to see Breaking Dawn =D
    You’re very an amazing girl and I respect you more and more each day, I’m so proud that I met you and I feel so honored and delighted to be in your top bloggers, you just made my night!


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