Amarillo como el sol

I think you have noticed that I have been wearing yellow almost all week long well as the days have been really grey over here is nothing better that bright the days up with something yellow I hope I don’t bore you to much with all the yellow  and  I have been looking into my closet to look for all the yellow clothes I own and here an other wonderful pastel look with the Collar from ROMWE that I adore so much wishing you a wonderful weekend already.
PS: Join my GIveaway where you can win a pair of leggings of your choice check it out HERE 

What I was wearing:
sunnies: Mango
yellow sweater/blue pants/yellow bag: H&M
Cream wedges: ZAra


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19 thoughts on “Amarillo como el sol

  1. Of course you don’t bore us!! I love all your yellow outfits actually! And this one is so great also, the combo of yellow and the blue pants is amazing! And the collar is very pretty! 🙂

  2. nothing you ever wear is boring sweetie!!! I love this look and you are certainly brightening my dull days with your colourful looks!!! Love your yellow sweater with that super pretty collar and you know i love those powder blue jeans! Beautiful sweetheart!! 🙂

    Take care,Daniella xox

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