Categoriearchief: baby doll dress Koogul. altrasa heels

Baby doll dress

A cute girly doll dress I have wanting to have this dress for such a long time but never could find a store who could actually sell them here in Holland as I have seen those cute dresses by  Alexa Chung  wearing those baby doll dresses and I just adore the way she wear the dresses so I have always trying to find a dress like these I love the small flower print of the dress cause it makes me feel I’m in Spring  right now as I mix this green dress with pink and purple just to combined them with the small flowers what do you think of this cute dress I adore it <
Ps: The website where I recieve the dress doesn’t want to reload ;( 
I only wish it was sunnie and I could have wear this look with my hat booo

What I was wearing:
Dress: courtesy of Koogul
Bag: NewLook
Heels: altrasa

Sunnies: Mango

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