Victoria beckham in inspirations of the week and more

Hello my lovelys for some of you that doesn’t know I’m a big fan of victoria beckham styled love her style she is wonderful and a great woman with an AMAZING style the first picture above I love it I’m looking for a pink leather skirt like for ages I HOPE I find it one day I already own my brand new leather shorts and skirt but both in black ;( will soon change of colour  hope u like my other’s inspirations of the week as well my lovelys kisses Virgit

A simpel look that can look sophisticated

Loving the cut of her dress is wow wow love it

This is amazing love it and specially those pink heels

Gorgeous dress  love it

Well I do love purple and this one of my favorite so posh

And you know how crazy I’m about hats loving this one from Alexa Chung ;D

This look is so relax lovely look so cute love the colours

Gorgeous hat I’m so into leather LOl

I’m so into leather pants and loving this it fits her perfectly and I heard this morning that H&M is selling real leather pants for 149 euros  still expensive LOL but cheaper than in other’s stores let’s see

And for sure I’ll make my own skirt wanting one like this for ages but Don’t see it nowhere so I decided it to make it myself soon you will see the result

And last but not least the wonderful Cameron Diaz loving this pants and the colour wonderful

                                So and wich look is your favorite tell me I hope I give you some inspirations


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22 thoughts on “Victoria beckham in inspirations of the week and more

  1. Hola Virgit, me da mucha alegría que hayas puesto el AWARD en tu blog, así que ya te he puesto en mi BLOG ROLL, cada vez que actualices estarás la primera.
    Besos cielo

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