The lace-up sweater, is the new must-have thing for fall 2016. I’m so obsessed with it I paired with a simple velvet choker, you’ll have the most winning combination ever. I’m loving dress up trousers at the moment that decided to wear it this way with this gorgeous sandals kind of boots, I’ve been looking for one for ages and found this one by Chicwish, I’m such a fan given how much of a statement it makes. It’s harder when you want to pack a punch during the fall/winter months with a basic sweater/jean combo. Have you picked up on the lace-up sweater trend yet?
What I Was Wearing:
Sweater: Chicwish
Trousers: Nakd
Bag: Gucci
Wegdes: Clave
Watch: Christian Paul
Bracelet: Christian Paul
Chocker: H&M similar HERE

The sweater is very nice. The lace-up detail offers up a bit of character while nicely complimenting the pants and wedge sandals. Great smile and hairstyle also.
Thanks so much Jhon for taking the time to stop by my blog appreciate it <3
wauw, wat een gave trui! 🙂
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